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Board News and Budget Updates

The ECQ Executive Board is off to a great start planning and implementing the activities of the Guild. As a Board, we are committed to keeping the membership informed of discussions and decisions that affect us all. Every so often, here in our Quilt Scraps newsletter and in monthly announcements at meetings, you’ll learn a bit more about what’s going on “behind the scenes”.

At our January Board meeting, we voted to approve our 2023 Budget. It is a daunting task and big thanks go to our Treasurer, Jeanette Blackburn for putting the final draft together and to the whole Board for their input and participation and thorough and thoughtful deliberation.

As I’m sure you are aware, prices on EVERYTHING are going up. Monthly expenses for room rent, storage space and speaker fees which include travel and lodging are among our biggest expenses. And we’ve even had to face rising costs for things like printing, postage and office supplies. What you may NOT know is that our membership dues and workshop fees don’t completely cover our costs. Even with our very successful fundraiser last year, we had to dip into our reserves to make ends meet. So, we will continue this year to look for ways to decrease costs and increase revenue. Several ideas are under consideration so stay tuned.  We welcome any suggestions you have. Please reach out with your ideas, questions or concerns. I can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and welcome your feedback.